
From a young age, music has been my lifeblood, infused with a rich tapestry of genres. I began my journey on my father’s organ, later moving to the keyboard, and was a dedicated choir member from age 7 to 16. My passion for singing has been unwavering, evolving from school fair performances to composing poignant songs during my teenage years.

Leaving the Roman Catholic Church to explore diverse lifestyles and faiths, I found my true calling in taking audiences on profound musical journeys. Despite limited travel opportunities in my early life, my dream of becoming a singer never wavered.

Nature, mythology, the occult, and the interconnectedness of all things deeply influence my music. My goal is to share the stories and dreams that shape our world. In 2015, I began playing the harp and added the Irish low and tin whistles, bodhrán, and hurdy-gurdy to my repertoire. While largely self-taught, I’ve been taking violin lessons since 2022 to enhance my technical skills.

Relocating to Norway in 2017 was a dream come true, and I’ve since performed in many remarkable venues. My specialty lies in singing and improvisation, a talent I once felt insecure about but now recognize as a significant strength.

Instruments I Play

  • Triplett Signature 36-String Harp
  • Tony Dixon Low D Whistle
  • Susato Double Flute in D
  • Arturia MiniLab Mk II
  • Arturia KeyLab Essential 49
  • Violin Black

Services Offered

  • Acoustic and amplified concerts
  • Performances at markets, festivals, spas, and other celebratory or relaxing venues
  • Walking acts, theater, and plays
  • Ceremonial and ritual performances
  • Singing and playing at weddings, births, birthdays, funerals, and other life events
  • Mermaiding

Book now to experience a unique blend of enchanting music and storytelling that will captivate and inspire your audience.