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Artists and creatives often receive below-living wages for their work despite investing considerable time, effort, and passion. Over the past decade, I’ve kept my prices stagnant due to fear of undervaluing myself and losing bookings.

However, I’ve realized that my current rates fall far below the minimum standard considering the quality, experience, and effort I bring to each project. Despite going above and beyond to maintain positive professional relationships, my pricing doesn’t reflect the true cost of my art, which requires meticulous upkeep and selective performances to uphold its integrity and quality.

Therefore, after nearly 20 years in the performance and music industry, I’ve decided to establish a clear pricing list to accurately reflect the value of my work. Clients interested in booking me for an event should refer to the updated pricing list effective April 17, 2024. Please note that arrangements made prior to this date will not be affected.

Hourly Price: min. 1500kr/150,- per started hour with a minimum of 3 hours
Daily Price: min. 6000kr/600,- per started day up to a maximum of 8 hours
Weekly Price: min. 28 000kr/2800,- is the sum for 5 days.

For mermaiding an additional fee is charged per booking per day: 500kr

Costs for traveling and overnight stays are NOT included in these prices.